Lili and John La Tourette
Lili La Tourette received her B’Ed. from Washburn University. She and John La Tourette support many programs at NIU but share a particular interest in Theatre. Lili La Tourette has been personally involved in the costume design aspects of theatre at NIU for over ten years, and has assisted in theater production, both independently and collaboratively as both designer and seamstress. Both Lili and John appreciate the importance of theatre for its contribution to the cultural milieu of the campus community, the opportunity it affords students to share creative talents, and the potential it offers to promote understanding of the larger world ‘stage.’ John La Tourette was named NIU’s 10th President in 1986. He earned his B.A. ‘54, M.A. ’55, and Ph.D. ’62 all in Economics from Rutgers University. Through this scholarship, the La Tourette’s have chosen to promote the study of Theatre, especially as it relates to the area of costume design.