Linda Greer and Gary Parmenter
This Fund was established as a tribute to and in loving memory of Dan Parmenter, whose life was tragically taken on February 14, 2008. Through the love and generosity of many, this endowment will forever honor Dan’s life and provide scholarship assistance to deserving College of Business students at Northern Illinois University.As a dedicated son and friend to all he met, Dan was a young man who constantly demonstrated persistence in accomplishing any task he undertook, but always with a sense of enjoyment and excitement. His smile was contagious. He openly accepted challenges and sought out new adventures. With strong spiritual and moral character, coupled with a passion for life, Dan stood as a leader to his peers. Often referred to as a “gentle giant” because of his six-foot five-inch frame, Dan’s life was one of helping and serving others.Dan was the consummate curious and active ‘young boy’ growing up. He enjoyed constructing buildings with his Lego sets, collecting baseball cards, and was even fond of growing vegetables in the family garden. With the help of his father, he build a pond in his back yard. Loving sports, Dan played T-ball until graduating to baseball, and also played basketball, flag football, as well as some tennis and golf. As a Cub Scout, then Boy Scout, he loved the outdoors and camping.With deep spiritual faith, Dan regularly attended church with his family and completed confirmation as young teen.In high school, Dan played on the “B” football team his freshman year and then committed himself to ‘working his way up’ to a starting position. With dedicated hard work in the weight room and on the field, his peers voted Dan to receive the Sportsmanship Award as a junior, and then again as a senior. Besides the sports field, Dan enjoyed music and briefly played drums until he found his passion in the electric guitar. With other high school friends, he formed a rock band where they wrote their own music and lyrics.Scholastically, Dan was consistent in achieving good grades. As a senior, he was selected to participate in a Junior Achievement Titan challenge with three other students. Dan and his teammates won the competition.At NIU, Dan continued his scholastic success and was looking forward to graduating from the College of Business with a finance degree. Outside his studies, Dan still found the time to join the rugby football club. In addition, he gravitated to leadership positions in his fraternity where he served as secretary. He also assisted in community projects such as ‘Bingo Night’ with local senior citizens. And, like many Northern students, Dan also had a part time job to assist with expenses. Working at the student newspaper, The Northern Star. Dan quickly rose in responsibility and was promoted to sales representative after only one semester. Speaking fondly of Dan, a colleague stated, “He was a hard worker. He never asked questions about why he was doing anything. He was always joking, smiling in the office. He got along with everybody.”Dan’s family and friends will always remember his intelligence, his honesty, his common sense, his strong work ethic, his curiosity about learning new and different things, and his abiding faith and love for his fellow man. A wonderful son, friend, and student, Dan Parmenter exhibited the very best in how he lived his life.