NECA (National Electrical Contractors Association)

NECA (National Electrical Contractors Association)

Peter Cattaneo Sr. co-founded Cattaneo Electric with his wife, Sharon Cattaneo, in 1977. Through the years, Cattaneo Electric Company has developed a customer base that is as diverse as their individual electrical needs, as well as a reputation for excellence in the electrical industry. The Northeastern Illinois Chapter NECA Scholarship, in Memory of Peter Cattaneo, is set up for those students who are interested in a career in Electrical Engineering and/or Engineering Technology. When it came to matters of education, Peter Cattaneo believed in supporting those with ambition and determination, no matter who they were or from what walk of life. Advocacy for the whole industry was at the heart of what he truly believed in, and his position called for comprehensive education and training for all who wanted to better themselves. Peter touched the lives of so many in this industry and represented the strength and ambition required to be successful in the electrical business. Although he is missed greatly, his legacy will live in perpetuity through this academic scholarship, and each recipient is a vital part of his memory. It is through the generosity of Northeastern Illinois Chapter, NECA, Sharon Cattaneo, and Peter Cattaneo, Jr. that this scholarship has been established.